Panties Blog
Between Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Snapchat, and whatever the hell picture sharing site becomes the new favorite for kids glued to their phones, the world has become a never ending stream of photos. And sometimes, they can be for a more useful purpose than to show off what you had for lunch. As Autumn changes the outside into a blend of soft colors and bright hues, it’s the perfect time to pull out your phone and take a nice picture with your spouse. Every chance to get close and be cute is well worth the two minutes to snap a picture....
Kids are a blessing, but also a handful, even when they’re on their best behavior. Work can make everything easier, while at the same time making everything more difficult. Everyone in the world has to work around a schedule, and sometimes that means taking advantage of whatever time you have. So, why not take her out on a mini-date? Just a quick trip to the coffee shop or bar, just for half an hour of alone time. It’ll do wonders for the relationship, and remind both of you why you love it so much. Read full article here: Mini-Date
Because you needed an extra reason to sleep in this weekend, a recent study has found that getting a full eight hours rest will not only help lower stress, but help raise libido by 14%. To help keep the bedroom a place of both relaxation and fun, do anything you to get those eight hours. Develop a bedtime routine, get comfortable, and have a nice glass of water before you tuck in. Your body will thank you both, in more ways than one. Read full article here: Sleep in, Because 8 Hours Rest Increases Sex Drive
While not every couple has the marathon, all-night sex that they may *claim* to be having, there are ways to make sex last longer. This post from Bustle has some tips for prolonging your time in the sack, whether you need help focusing and staying present in the moment or how to keep foreplay going even longer before you get to the main act. Read the full article here: 5 Tips for Making Sex Last Longer
Guess what, guys? Women want more sex. And no, we’re not kidding. According to this post from Huffington Post, a recent survey revealed that over half the women polled would like to be having more sex than they currently are. So, forget that stereotype that women don’t have high libidos and start giving your woman what she wants! Read the full article here: Women Want More Sex, Survey Says
What do men look for most in a woman to indicate that she’ll be a good potential wife? According to a recent survey, most men are looking for a wife than can cook. This post from explains how cooking is on of the biggest criteria for women to be called “wife material.” Read the full article here: Cooking Does Make Women Become ‘Wife Materials’…Here’s Why
A lot of dating and relationship “experts” out there think that in order to attract a girl, you need to be extra flashy or showy. Not so, says the Breakup Bro. This post from Good Men Project features some of his top dating tips, learned through years of experience. One of his best tips? If you decide to approach a woman you’re interested in, don’t stress about what you’ll say, just go. Read the full article here: Modern Day Dating Tips from the Breakup Bro