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Like a fine wine, sex just keeps getting better and better as you get older. This post from She Knows lists 7 reasons why sex is better in your 30s than it ever was in your 20s. Turns out that the more experience and confidence you gain, the more fun you'll have in the bedroom. Read the full article here: 7 Awesome Things About Sex in Your 30s
We get it: planning fun dates all the time can be a strain on your bank account, but it doesn’t have to be. This list from Huffington Post shares 21 totally unique date ideas that are either super cheap or completely free, so you can keep your date night schedule packed. Read the full article here: 21 Free or Cheap Date Ideas
It’s time to find out if the couple that runs together stays together. This post from News OK will help guide you through a workout routine with your spouse, and provides some expert tips for working out with your significant other without killing each other, like keeping your competitive drive to a minimum. Read the full article here: 5 Tips on How to Make Working Out With Your Spouse Actually Work Out
Do you constantly give great relationship advice to your friends, but have a hard time applying it to your own life? This post from Yahoo! Health shares six expert pieces of advice that you should finally start following to improve your own love life, like being honest and open with your significant other, and putting an end to over-analyzing every text they send. Read the full article here: 6 Popular Pieces of Relationship Advice We Give but Never Take
I think we’re all in agreement that oral sex is pretty much the best, but what if it could be ever better? That’s where the 3 S’s come in. This post from Popsugar explains how focusing on subtlety, sincerity and spit can help improve your oral sex technique, and your partner’s experience. Read the full article here: The 3 S’s of Oral Sex
Real life romance may not be exactly like it is in the movies, but that does’t mean you can’t borrow a few moves from Hollywood. This post from Bustle shares some of the best sex tips from ‘Ghost’ on its 25th anniversary, like making art together as an erotic (and artistic) form of foreplay. Read the full article here: 5 Sex Tips From ‘Ghost’ On Its 25th Anniversary, Because Everyone Should Use a Pottery Wheel As Foreplay
If you’ve ever had a conversation with your significant other about faked orgasms, you’re not alone. But you’re also probably not very happy about it. This post from Hot, Holy & Humorous gives some great advice on how to stop faking orgasm and how to open up and work honestly towards a real one (or, hopefully, multiple real ones). Read the full article here: Q&A: Faking the Orgasm? It’s Time to Get Real
Whether you’re already married or thinking about heading down the marital path soon, you’re hoping for a long and happy marriage. And who are the best people to ask about maintaining a successful, lasting marriage? People who have had a successful, lasting marriage. This post from the Daily Telegraph shares some tips from couples that have been together 60+ years and have real staying power. Read the full article here: Secrets to a Long-lasting Marriage: Couples Married for More Than 60 Years Share Their Tips
Being in a healthy relationship often means compromising when you don’t want to. So, when your wife or girlfriend wants to watch a romantic comedy after seven straight action movies, you’ll win some major points if you agree without putting up a fight. And this list from Pop Sugar of some of the best rom-coms currently available on Netflix will make it even easier for you to choose a good one. Happy streaming! Read the full article here: 11 Great Romantic Comedies to Stream on Netflix
Feeling stuck trying to always come up with new date ideas? Check out these 8 ideas from Forces Pen Pals and the work will be done for you. From active dates like paint balling or ice skating, to more culturally sophisticated dates like an afternoon of wine tasting, these creative ideas will help strengthen your bond and make you fall even harder. Read the full article here: 8 Creative Date Ideas