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If you’re looking for some solid sex advice or relationship tips, your grandma probably isn’t the first person you’d ask, but she should be. This post from .Mic reminds us just how wise our grandmas can be, even about things as seemingly off-limits to her as sex. From tips on period sex to condom etiquette, it turns out that grandmas are experts on more than just pie-baking. Read the full article here: 19 Pieces of No-Bullshit Sex Advice We Learned From Our Grandmas
Is your significant other an adrenaline junkie or adventurous dare devil? If so, vanilla sex is probably not going to cut it with them. This post from Latina Magazine offers some tips for elevating your sexy time to keep up with your wild and crazy partner. Try having sex outdoors or experimenting with some new, naughty sex toys for a total thrill. Read the full article here: 5 Ways to Amp Up Sex While Dating a Thrill-Seeker
Have you ever been given relationship advice that was just really off base? More than a little put off at the ridiculous sex suggestions from popular monthly magazines? You’re not the only one. This post from examines some of the more outrageous "advice" we're apparently supposed to be following, whether it crosses the line into misogyny, or is just flat-out gross. Read the full article here: The Worst Sex Advice Ever?
Sharing a bed with your partner can be as intimate an experience as sex, but often gets glossed over as a sensual encounter, especially for couples who have been together a long time. These tips from Bustle will help you bring the romance back to bed, and not just when you’re doing the deed. Read the full article here: 7 Sleeping Tips for Intimacy in Your Relationship, Because Watching TV in Bed Just Isn’t Sexy
When was the last time you noticed that your wife took out the garbage when it was supposed to be your turn, or when your significant other picked up your favorite flavor of ice cream from the grocery store out of the blue? These may seem like little things barely worth noticing, but this post from Hitched Magazine reminds us to focus more on the importance of the daily reminders of love than grand, Hollywood-esque gestures. Read the full article here: Appreciate the Small Romantic Gestures of Your Marriage
When one or more people in a couple travel frequently for work, it can put an unnecessary strain on the relationship. Not seeing each other as often as you’d like leaves less time for intimacy and almost no time to work on your relationship the way you should be. This post from Huffington Post offers some expert advice on how to keep the love alive, even from different cities. Read the full article here: 12 Tips on How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship While Traveling for Work
They say hindsight is 20/20, and that’s especially true of relationships. If only your earlier self had years or wisdom and relationship insights to be able to handle all of love’s ups and downs, right? Well, this post from Female First shares some of the most important truths about relationships that we don’t often learn until we’re older, but that you can start following now. Read the full article here: Love Advice to Your Younger Self
When you’re getting married, everyone from your grandmother to your mailman is suddenly full of advice for how to make it work. But this post from The Observer shares a piece of fatherly advice that might trump all the others: if you want your marriage to work, spend time each day making sure it does. Read the full article here: The One Piece of Marriage Advice My Dad Gave Me Before I Said ‘I Do’
No relationship is perfect, but sometimes we need a little reminder that imperfection is okay, and even healthy. But it’s easier said than done letting go of our unattainable expectations and focusing on what’s really important. This post from The Generous Wife will help you gain a little perspective if you’ve been focusing too much on unattainable perfection. Read the full article here: A Little Perspective
You read relationship blogs and advice columns and you know exactly what you’re supposed to do to keep your relationship healthy, but do you know what NOT to do? From hogging the remote to showing up uninvited on girls’ night or becoming best friends with your partner’s mom, this post from Look tells you exactly what not to do in a relationship. Read the full article here: Relationship Advice: 11 Hilarious Examples Not to Follow