Love is everywhere in our lives. We desire it naturally and crave for romance even before we know what it actually is. Denying our natural cravings is simply punishing ourselves.
The one thing that has always puzzled the greater majority of men and women, is how to get someone to fall in love with us.!
Money can be easy to make.
Honor can be easy to come by.
Privilege can be easily bestowed on us.
But winning the love of the one that we desire, that is the crowning achievement of very few people but also the most painful point in most people's histories.
This Liber Erotica series will change all that for you.
When you are done reading through the series, the powers of Eros and Thanatos will be all yours to wield and control as you please.
All you'll ever need is to decide on whose love you want, and the rest will be history.