10 Rules for a Great Valentine's Day Kiss
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How can you cap off a perfect Valentine's Day after you've already bought flowers, candy, and a reservation at a romantic restaurant? From being unafraid to try new things to where and how to put your hands (without groping) when you're sexually aroused. The "kissing doctor," William Cane, explains the science behind the ideal pucker.
As Valentine's Day approaches, there will be an unprecedented increase in the number of kisses shared between partners. A nice kiss is hard to come by, but delivering one is an art. Additionally, not everyone has the ability to excel at it. To help, we've included some advice. The first step in taking advantage of this guidance, collected from the experiences of more than 100,000 individuals, is to be receptive to new ideas. Based on that, you might implement the following:The kissing relationship is doomed the moment the couple settles into a routine. Experiment with a new approach. The worst that may happen is a smack, but joking aside, just attempting something new is likely to jolt you into discovering new ways of kissing that will delight both you and your spouse.
Remember that nearly all women (96%) enjoy receiving kisses on the neck from their male partners. They are so enamoured with them that they go absolutely bonkers over them. It may seem strange (because 90% of guys don't like getting their necks kissed), but if you want to make a girl happy while necking, veer down to her neck.
Every woman knows that French kisses are the most popular among males. The kiss can be improved upon by touching the tips of the tongues together. Or you could just let him put his tongue in your mouth first.

The vast majority of people don't employ both hands during a kiss. We are not referring to groping here (although that has its time and place, of course). What you should do instead is run your hands up and down your partner's back. While kissing, tenderly caress his or her face. In the midst of a passionate kiss, pull your partner close for a bear hug. An extra, synergistic spark can be added to your kisses by doing all these things.
Start from the very beginning. Excellent storytellers are aware of this fact. Furthermore, this also holds true for making passionate kisses. A simple lip-to-lip kiss is a good place to begin. Feathered and nimble, it can lay the foundation for what comes next.
Tease. A small lip kiss here and there can set the tone, and when he goes in for the next one, you can pull back and display a provocative grin. It will make him eager for the next kiss.
Can you have a conversation when you're kissing? As long as you're the type to whisper compliments into your lover's ear, of course. What's the deal with calling them "sweet nothings"? As a result, you can say whatever you want! Irrelevant compliments like "You have wonderful ears" are acceptable. What will arouse your spouse is not so much what you say as how you say it, and the sensation of your muttered breath.
Always make sure you're ready for a kiss (or a longer kissing session) by making lots of eye contact, giving compliments, and having pleasant conversation. Approach her closely enough to brush a piece of lint off her collar. Get her hair straightened. Reposition the collar of her jacket. The sexual enjoyment of the kiss will be enhanced by the beautiful images that will float through her head once you begin to kiss.
Watch how your companion responds. It's a good sign if you can get her to laugh and smile. If she seems tired and uninterested, you should try something new. You can learn a lot about what makes your partner happy by kissing them all over, from their lips to their cheeks to their shoulders to their arms, and back to their lips again.
Alexander the Great was able to achieve global dominance by employing a wide range of offensive and defensive strategies. Don't forget the advice of the great general and switch up the tempo, intensity, and softness of your kisses during your love campaign. You may win over your valentine in the same way.