Panties Blog
Every relationship has its share of problems, there’s no way to get around it. It’s an ugly truth to a stubborn reality. But just because the relationship hits a rough patch doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. If you’ve stopped being intimate with your partner, follow these simple tips to get the relationship back on course.
We all make snap judgements, especially when it annoys you. But try to look at those problems from another perspective, and understand why they happened like they did. Negativity feeds negativity, so just removing one end of it can do wonders for the mood of the household. Communication is critical, either when trying to be romantic with her or just listening to her problems. Remember that a relationship is not a contest. No one cares how many argument points you’ve acculmated. Being with someone is more important than winning whatever nonsensical game you’ve conceived in your head. And don’t try to turn her “problems” into solutions. Just learn to love and communicate with her, and the relationship can grow and become something else again.
Read the full article: Ways to fix a sexless marriage