In response to many inquiries we’ve received, here are a few creative ways I’ve discovered to intentionally and authentically love my husband. They aren’t the end all be all, but my hope is that they will help spur other creative ideas, as well as remind us, as wives, how our words and actions can inhibit or spur on our husbands.
Intentionality, creativity, consistency and sincerity – you can’t go wrong shooting for these.
1. Love letters:
Seems a little girly I know, but honestly, I’ve never written Ryan a love letter and had him say “ewwww!” It doesn’t have to be sappy, just real. What do you admire and appreciate about him? What’s your favorite characteristic about him? What makes you proud to be his wife.
Be creative, and write it on creative paper. I’ve also used magazine pages that have a “manly” feel to them (mountains, oceans, rugged-ness) and written a love note with a sharpie pen. Be creative, be honest, and be intentional.
2. Spoken words of love and appreciation:
Say him how much you love him and come up with a different reason why each day (or every other day). Express how much you appreciate him; who he is and what he does for you, the kids, your family. Our men need to know that their hard work, sacrifice and dedication does not go unnoticed.
Ryan tells me that he never gets tired of hearing how much I appreciate all that he does for us.
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