And you thought it couldn't get any better ...
You and your partner already have toe-curling, sheets-grabbing lip-biting sex nearly every day. So how can you make it even hotter? Good question.
Whether you're pretending to meet each other for the first time or you're role-playing as your naughtier, sexier persona, heating things up between you has never been easier. Don't believe us? Check out these suggestions for infusing your relationship with sexy spontaneity, from four of YourTango's top experts:
1. Entice your partner with a list of your biggest turn-ons.
Send your partner an email listing some of the sure-fire ways to get you in the mood ... and then promise him a pay-off. (And trust us when we say, he'll be drooling.) —Meri-Arnett Kremian
2. Let him chase you.
Give him a look as if you don't recognize each other, and introduce yourself by saying, "I don't believe we've met ... " Play a little hard to get, letting him know that you're not the type to fool around too quickly. Give him some hints that you find him very attractive and even though you've never done this before so quickly, you just can't seem to help yourself.
Once he starts kissing you, tell him that you really shouldn't, it's getting late, you need to be getting home, you're not that type of girl ... but, of course, make it obvious from your actions that you don't want him to stop. Keep playing this kind of push-pull game until he's just ravenous with desire, when you finally give in because you are just too attracted to him not too.
Men love the chase and giving him the chance to re-live the hunt will really get his testosterone flowing. —Jane Garapick
3. Get your sweat on.
Exercise before you enter the bedroom to get that blood flow going. A hot shower (focused especially on your sexual parts) can jumpstart those juices.
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