1. She's amaazing in bed! She is comfortable with her body and good at communicating her wants and needs. Plus, she has experience. For mind-blowing sex, a woman in her 30s may be your best bet.
2. She is confident. Confidence is sexy! She's learned that she's great just the way she is and has let go of insecurities she may have had when she was younger. She won't need constant reassuring that those jeans don't make her look fat. She knows they look fantastic.
3. She has polish and poise. She is put together and can handle social situations with ease. You will be proud to have her at your side.
4. She doesn't want to go any parties where there will be keg stands of any kind. Been there, done that, no desire to do it again.
5. She has more control over her schedule. By now, she is making her mark in her chosen career. She has real responsibilities and might need to put in long hours, but she's no longer the lowest person on the totem pole at her job, so she'll find it easier to make time for you and stick to plans.
6. She doesn't freak out over every little thing. At this point, she knows the difference between a true emergency and a minor inconvenience. She's not going to call you and go on a tirade for an hour because you unwittingly scheduled an important meeting for the same time as her best friend's engagement party. She won't ruin dinner by talking nonstop about an annoying coworker. If she is upset, it is for a good reason and you need to pay attention.