Whatever your definition of success is, chances are that at some point in time, you've been interested in a woman who's higher up on your ladder of choice than you are.
If successful women don't intimidate you, congratulations: You belong to the 21st century. But many men are throwbacks to an earlier time in this regard.
Successful career women may be partners-in-training at their law firms, CEOs of a company or editors of popular magazines. However, they all know how to take charge and get things done. This seems to be the most intimidating of all.
Instead of being afraid of pursuing successful women, embrace their success as part of what makes them so attractive. Use the following tips to bolster your ability to woo while pursuing successful women.
Don’t show-off your travel and holiday plans
Seriously, she would have seen the world as much as you had if not more. So speaking about a common favorite destination is a bright idea, but it’s prudent to know the line between talking and flaunting.
Your portfolio of hot Ex-es
Trust me, your guy friends might be keen-listeners over the matter, but she’s not even remotely eager to dwell on those experiences and accolades. And bet, if she begins prattling about her ‘wall of fame’ you won’t even survive a sentence. So why initiate something that you won’t be a sport at?