Valentine’s Day: that special day each year when we get to show our cameras (or *cough* loved ones) how much we ♥ them.
Whether you have a valentine or not, it’s a great time to give love (and chocolate!) to your friends, GF/BF, family, or yourself. Just keep your hands off our Leica, she’s spoken for! ;)
With that in mind, what better time to round up some feel-good photo projects than Valentine’s Day?
We’ve whipped up a quick batch of our sweetest photo projects to shower your friends, loved ones, and walls with photo love!
The secret photo valentine
Have a secret someone you want to surprise this Valentine’s Day? Why not make a valentine with your camera?
Load a brand new roll of film into your camera and start snapping photo-messages to your special somebody.
You might want to try holding up hand written love messages, photographing all the places you went on dates together, or taking pics of all your shared favorite things to remember.
When you’re done, wrap your exposed roll of film in colored paper or tape, and send it on it’s way to your sweetie with special directions on when to get it developed.
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