100 Really Easy Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day
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Just a few of these ideas will make your man feel loved. To show your partner how truly special they are, pick a bunch of ideas and surprise him with your loving bouquet of sweet sentiments on February 14. From 100 to one, we have lots of romantic Valentine's Day inspiration for you!
- 100. Send your sweetie a sweet, short and sexy text or email. (Not to his work email!)
- 99. Leave a little note in his briefcase or laptop bag so he will find it when he gets to work.
- 98. When your significant other gets home, be waiting in the bedroom dressed in your favorite sexy lingerie (or nothing at all!) … you know what happens next.
- 97. Plan a surprise outing! Start with dinner at his favorite restaurant, then reveal tickets to a show or sports game.
- 96. Take a hot air balloon ride together.
- 95. Surprise him with that special something he has been coveting (no matter how big or small).
- 94. Send flowers or cookies for no reason at all.
- 93. Take his dog for a walk.
- 92. Stock his fridge with his favorite beer and his shelves with his favorite snacks.
91. Stop by your sweetie's office around lunchtime with his favorite noontime nosh.
- 90. Take a drive together -- car trips provide some of the best time for talking one-on-one.
- 89. Snuggle after sex -- even if you are tired.
- 88. Give a back massage.
- 87. Offer a foot rub -- without asking for one in return!
- 86. Fill up his gas tank.
- 85. If he comes home after a boy's night WAY past the time he said he would, let it go. 84. Make breakfast in bed.
- 83. Stay in bed all day -- pajamas optional. 82. Take a late-night, hand-in-hand stroll.
- 81. Sign up for a class you know he has been wanting to take together.
- 80. Make up silly nicknames for each other that you ONLY call each other in private!
- 79. Make a mousepad (or a mug or a calendar) with your picture on it for his desk.
- 78. Start a hobby together.
- 77. Do something nice for his mother, brother, sister, etc.
- 76. Let him pick the movie this time.
- 75. Make a special dinner for him.
- 74. When he gets home, hand him a glass of wine, sit down together and let him talk about his day.