If you are looking for an easy way to turn your man on in the bedroom, dig out your highest pair of sexy stilettos and wear them while having sex! Why do men love high heels in the bedroom? Let’s find out…
For some reason wearing stilettos during sex is guaranteed to turn most men on. I’m not just saying this, I have asked many men, and researched through many online forums, and the verdict is that every single man has expressed an enthusiastic (drooling) response to the mention of high heels in bed.
Personally I quite like it if my man wears his trilby to bed, so maybe it’s an attraction to formal-wear juxtaposed with a raunchy intent.
I have come up with a list of 10 reasons as to why men love high heels in the bedroom to explain this phenomena, along with lots of handy tips for you sexy girls who want to give it a go!
1. The Fantasy
Whether you are half naked in the bedroom or suited up in the office, women in the highest heels get the most attention from guys. It may not always be the kind of attention we want, but it’s a fact. Men are turned on by a woman in heels.
Why? Because it reminds him of his secret fantasies – Shagging his boss, being whipped into submission by a hot dominatrix, a close-encounter with a high-class h*oker. High heels connote erotic sex. It makes sense to wear them in the bedroom every once in a while!
For men, it’s all about creating an image in their mind… once you show up in sexy high heels, they feel some of their fantasies coming back from their subconscious. Add a sexy mask to give an extra boost to your night and watch how he gets hard like a rock. He’ll want to rip your clothes off. Add some flirty dirty talk to that whole image and suddenly you’ll take him to another world. As if it’s all happening in another dimension and not in this life.
2. Body Enhancing
When you wear your heels suddenly you are taller, you stand up straight with an air of confidence, your legs look longer, your chest is perkier and your bum sticks out and swings when you walk.
Heels naturally mold your body into the right shape to sexually attract a man, and the higher the better!
High heels also make you appear slimmer because of the way you have to hold your body, and they draw your man’s attention to the entire length of your body when it is looking it’s best.